

As bundles, we see templates that load essential CSS and JavaScript and are used throughout Alliance Auth. These bundles can also be used in your own apps, so you don’t have to load specific CSS or JavaScript yourself.

These bundles include DataTables CSS and JS, jQuery Datepicker CSS and JS, jQueryUI CSS and JS, and more.

A full list of bundles we provide can be found here: https://gitlab.com/allianceauth/allianceauth/-/tree/master/allianceauth/templates/bundles

To use a bundle, you can use the following code in your template (Example for jQueryUI):

{% block extra_css %}
    {% include "bundles/jquery-ui-css.html" %}
{% endblock %}

{% block extra_javascript %}
    {% include "bundles/jquery-ui-js.html" %}
{% endblock %}

Template Partials

To ensure a unified style language throughout Alliance Auth and Community Apps, we also provide a couple of template partials. This collection is bound to grow over time, so best have an eye on this page.