Logging from Custom Apps

Alliance Auth provides a logger for use with custom apps to make everyone’s life a little easier.

Using the Extensions Logger

AllianceAuth provides a helper function to get the logger for the current module to reduce the amount of code you need to write.

from allianceauth.services.hooks import get_extension_logger

logger = get_extension_logger(__name__)

This works by creating a child logger of the extension logger which propagates all log entries to the parent (extensions) logger.

Changing the Logging Level

By default, the extension logger’s level is set to DEBUG. To change this, uncomment (or add) the following line in local.py.

LOGGING['handlers']['extension_file']['level'] = 'INFO'

(Remember to restart your supervisor workers after changes to local.py)

This will change the logger’s level to the level you define.

Options are: (all options accept entries of levels listed below them)


  • INFO





Takes the name of a plugin/extension and generates a child logger of the extensions logger to be used by the extension to log events to the extensions logger.

The logging level is determined by the level defined for the parent logger.


name: the name of the extension doing the logging


an extensions child logger

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.