Alliance Auth

This document describes how to install Alliance Auth from scratch.


There are additional installation steps for activating services and apps that come with Alliance Auth. Please see the page for the respective service or apps in chapter :doc:/features/index for details.


Operating Systems

Alliance Auth can be installed on any in-support *nix operating system.

Our install documentation targets the following operating systems.

  • Ubuntu 20.04

  • Ubuntu 22.04

  • Centos 7

  • CentOS Stream 8

  • CentOS Stream 9

To install on your favorite flavour of Linux, identify and install equivalent packages to the ones listed here.

OS Maintenance

It is recommended to ensure your OS is fully up-to-date before proceeding. We may also add Package Repositories here, used later in the documentation.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo do-dist-upgrade


Install Python 3.11 and related tools on your system.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3.11 python3.11-dev python3.11-venv


It’s recommended to use a database service instead of SQLite. Many options are available, but this guide will use MariaDB 10.11

Follow the instructions at”focal”&v=10.11&r_m=osuosl to add the MariaDB repository to your host.

sudo apt-get install mariadb-server mariadb-client libmysqlclient-dev


If you don’t plan on running the database on the same server as auth you still need to install the libmysqlclient-dev package

Redis and Other Tools

A few extra utilities are also required for installation of packages.

sudo apt-get install unzip git redis-server curl libssl-dev libbz2-dev libffi-dev build-essential pkg-config

Database Setup

Alliance Auth needs a MySQL user account and database. Open an SQL shell with

sudo mysql -u root

and create them as follows, replacing PASSWORD with an actual secure password:

CREATE USER 'allianceserver'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'PASSWORD';
CREATE DATABASE alliance_auth CHARACTER SET utf8mb4;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON alliance_auth . * TO 'allianceserver'@'localhost';

Once your database is set up, you can leave the SQL shell with exit.

Add timezone tables to your mysql installation:

mysql_tzinfo_to_sql /usr/share/zoneinfo | sudo mysql -u root mysql


You may see errors when you add the timezone tables. To make sure that they were correctly added run the following commands and check for the time_zone tables

mysql -u root -p
use mysql;
show tables;

Close the SQL shell and secure your database server with this command:


Auth Install

User Account

For security and permissions, it’s highly recommended you create a separate user to install auth under. Do not log in as this account.

sudo adduser --disabled-login allianceserver

Prepare Directories

sudo mkdir -p /var/www/myauth/static
sudo chown -R allianceserver:allianceserver /var/www/myauth/static/


When installing and performing maintenance on Alliance Auth, virtual environments and python packages, sudo means superuser do, this will not use your venv or your allianceserver user and will routinely break your permission structure.

Only use sudo for system management or if you are unsure, when explicitly instructed to do so.

sudo su allianceserver

Virtual Environment

Switch to the allianceserver user.

sudo su allianceserver

And switch to its home directory:

cd ~

Create a Python virtual environment and put it somewhere convenient (e.g. /home/allianceserver/venv/auth/)


Your python3.x command/version may vary depending on your installed python version.

python3.11 -m venv /home/allianceserver/venv/auth/


A virtual environment provides support for creating a lightweight “copy” of Python with their own site directories. Each virtual environment has its own Python binary (allowing creation of environments with various Python versions) and can have its own independent set of installed Python packages in its site directories. You can read more about virtual environments on the Python_ docs.

Activate the virtual environment with (Note the /bin/activate on the end of the path):

source /home/allianceserver/venv/auth/bin/activate


Each time you come to do maintenance on your Alliance Auth installation, you should activate your virtual environment first. When finished, deactivate it with the deactivate command.

Eve Online SSO

You need to have a dedicated Eve SSO app for Alliance auth. Please go to EVE Developer to create one.

For scopes your SSO app needs to have at least publicData. Additional scopes depend on which Alliance Auth apps you will be using. For convenience, we recommend adding all available ESO scopes to your SSO app. Note that Alliance Auth will always ask the users to approve specific scopes before they are used.

As callback URL you want to define the URL of your Alliance Auth site plus the route: /sso/callback. Example for a valid callback URL:

Alliance Auth Project


Before installing any Python packages, please double-check that you have activated in the virtual environment. This is usually indicated by your command line in the terminal starting with: (auth).

Install Python packages

Update & install basic tools before installing further Python packages:

pip install -U pip setuptools wheel

You can install Alliance Auth with the following command. This will install AA, AA’s Python dependencies, superlance for memory monitoring and gunicorn as a wsgi server

pip install allianceauth superlance gunicorn

Create the Alliance Auth project

Now you need to create the Django project that will run Alliance Auth. Ensure you are in the allianceserver home directory by issuing:

cd /home/allianceserver

The following command bootstraps a Django project which will run your Alliance Auth instance. You can rename it from myauth to anything you’d like. Note that this name is shown by default as the site name but that can be changed later.

allianceauth start myauth

Update settings

Your settings file needs configuring:

nano myauth/myauth/settings/

Be sure to configure:

  • Your site URL as SITE_URL

  • The database user account setup from earlier in Database Setup

  • ESI_SSO_CLIENT_ID, ESI_SSO_CLIENT_SECRET from the EVE Online Developers Portal from earlier in Eve Online SSO

  • ESI_USER_CONTACT_EMAIL to an email address to ensure that CCP has reliable contact information for you

  • Valid email server settings

Install database & static files

Django needs to set up the database before it can start.

python /home/allianceserver/myauth/ migrate

Now we need to round up all the static files required to render templates. Make a directory to serve them from and populate it.

python /home/allianceserver/myauth/ collectstatic --noinput

Check to ensure your settings are valid.

python /home/allianceserver/myauth/ check


If you are using root, ensure the allianceserver user has read/write permissions to this directory before proceeding::

chown -R allianceserver:allianceserver /home/allianceserver/myauth

Setup superuser

Before using your auth site, it is essential to create a superuser account. This account will have all permissions in Alliance Auth. It’s OK to use this as your personal auth account.

python /home/allianceserver/myauth/ createsuperuser

Once your installation is complete, the superuser account is accessed by logging in via the admin site at

If you intend to use this account as your personal auth account, you need to add a main character. Navigate to the normal user dashboard (at after logging in via the admin site and select Change Main. Once a main character has been added, it is possible to use SSO to log in to this account.


Alliance Auth needs some additional services to run, which we will set up and configure next.


To run the Alliance Auth website, a WSGI Server is required. For this Gunicorn is highly recommended for its ease of configuring. It can be manually run from within your myauth base directory with gunicorn --bind myauth.wsgi or automatically run using Supervisor.

If you don’t see any errors, this means that Gunicorn is running fine. You can stop it with Ctrl+C now.

The default configuration is good enough for most installations. Additional information is available in the gunicorn doc.


Supervisor is a process watchdog service: it makes sure other processes are started automatically and kept running. It can be used to automatically start the WSGI server and Celery workers for background tasks.


You will need to exit the allianceserver user back to a user with sudo capabilities to install supervisor::
sudo apt-get install supervisor

Once installed, it needs a configuration file to know which processes to watch. Your Alliance Auth project comes with a ready-to-use template which will ensure the Celery workers, Celery task scheduler and Gunicorn are all running.

ln -s /home/allianceserver/myauth/supervisor.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/myauth.conf

Activate it with sudo supervisorctl reload.

You can check the status of the processes with sudo supervisorctl status. Logs from these processes are available in /home/allianceserver/myauth/log named by process.


Any time the code or your settings change, you’ll need to restart Gunicorn and Celery. ::

sudo supervisorctl restart myauth:

Web server

Once installed, decide on whether you’re going to use NGINX or Apache and follow the respective guide.

Note that Alliance Auth is designed to run with web servers on HTTPS. While running on HTTP is technically possible, it is not recommended for production use, and some functions (e.g., Email confirmation links) will not work properly.


Periodically new releases are issued with bug fixes and new features. Be sure to read the release notes which will highlight changes.

To update your installation, swap to your allianceserver user

sudo su allianceserver

Activate your virtual environment

source /home/allianceserver/venv/auth/bin/activate

and update with:

pip install -U allianceauth

Some releases come with changes to the base settings. Update your project’s settings with:

allianceauth update /home/allianceserver/myauth

Some releases come with new or changed models. Update your database to reflect this with:

python /home/allianceserver/myauth/ migrate

Finally, some releases come with new or changed static files. Run the following command to update your static files’ folder:

python /home/allianceserver/myauth/ collectstatic --noinput

Always restart AA, Celery and Gunicorn after updating:

supervisorctl restart myauth: