HR Applications
This app allows you to manage applications for multiple corporations in your alliance. Key features include:
Define application questionnaires for corporations
Users can apply to corporations by filling outquestionnaires
Manage a review and approval process of applications
Perform Django Maintenance and restart our Web Service and Workers.
python migrate
python collectstatic --noinput
supervisorctl restart myauth:
docker compose --env-file=.env up -d
docker compose exec allianceauth_gunicorn bash
auth migrate
auth collectstatic
Creating Forms
The most common task is creating ApplicationForm models for corps. Only when such models exist will a Corporation be listed as a choice for applicants. This occurs in the Django admin site, so only staff have access.
The first step is to create questions. This is achieved by creating ApplicationQuestion models, one for each question. Titles are not unique.
The next step is to create the actual ApplicationForm model. It requires an existing EveCorporationInfo model to which it will belong. It also requires the selection of questions. ApplicationForm models are unique per Corporation: only one may exist for any given Corporation concurrently.
You can adjust these questions at any time. This is the preferred method of modifying the form: deleting and recreating will cascade the deletion to all received applications from this form, which is usually not intended.
Once completed, the Corporation will be available to receive applications.
Reviewing Applications
Superusers can see all applications, while normal members with the required permission can view only those to their corp.
Selecting an application from the management screen will provide all the answers to the questions in the form at the time the user applied.
When a reviewer assigns themselves an application, they mark it as in progress. This notifies the applicant and permanently attaches the reviewer to the application.
Only the assigned reviewer can approve/reject/delete the application if they possess the appropriate permission.
Any reviewer who can see the application can view the applicant’s APIs if they possess the appropriate permission.
To administer this feature, users will require some of the following.
Users do not require any permission to apply to a corporation and fill out the form.
Permission |
Admin Site |
Auth Site |
auth.human_resources |
None |
Can view applications and mark in progress |
hrapplications.approve_application |
None |
Can approve applications |
hrapplications.delete_application |
Can delete model |
Can delete applications |
hrapplications.reject_applications |
None |
Can reject applications |
hrapplications.add_applicationcomment |
Can create model |
Can comment on applications |
A user with auth.human_resources
can only see applications to their own corp.
Best practice is to bundle the auth.human_resources
permission alongside the hrapplications.approve_application
and hrapplications.reject_application
permissions, as in isolation these make little sense.
This is the model representation of a question. It contains a title and a field for optional “helper” text. It is referenced by ApplicationForm models but acts independently. Modifying the question after it has been created will not void responses, so it’s not advisable to edit the title or the answers may not make sense to reviewers.
This is the template for an application. It points at a Corporation, with only one form allowed per Corporation. It also points at ApplicationQuestion models. When a user creates an application, they will be prompted with each question the form includes at the given time. Modifying questions in a form after it has been created will not be reflected in existing applications, so it’s perfectly fine to adjust them as you see fit. Changing corporations, however, is not advisable, as existing applications will point at the wrong Corporation after they’ve been submitted, confusing reviewers.
This is the model representation of a completed application. It references an ApplicationForm from which it was spawned, which is where the Corporation specificity comes from. It points at a user, contains info regarding its reviewer, and has a status. Shortcut properties also provide the applicant’s main character, the applicant’s APIs, and a string representation of the reviewer (for cases when the reviewer doesn’t have a main character or the model gets deleted).
This is an answer to a question. It points at the Application to which it belongs, to the ApplicationQuestion which it is answering, and contains the answer text. Modifying any of these fields is dangerous.
This is a reviewer’s comment on an application. Points at the application, points to the user, and contains the comment text. Modifying any of these fields is dangerous.
No corps accepting applications
Ensure there are ApplicationForm models in the admin site. Ensure the user does not already have an application to these Corporations. If the users wish to re-apply, they must first delete their completed application
Reviewer unable to complete application
Reviewers require permission for each of the three possible outcomes of an application, Approve Reject or Delete. Any user with the human resources permission can mark an application as in-progress, but if they lack these permissions, then the application will get stuck. Either grant the user the required permissions or change the assigned reviewer in the admin site. Best practice is to bundle the auth.human_resources
permission alongside the hrapplications.approve_application
and hrapplications.reject_application
permissions, as in isolation these serve little purpose.