Alliance Auth documentation

The documentation for Alliance Auth uses Sphinx to build documentation. When a new commit to specific branches is made (master, primarily), the repository is automatically pulled, docs built and deployed on

Documentation was migrated from the GitHub wiki pages and into the repository to allow documentation changes to be included with pull requests. This means that documentation can be guaranteed to be updated when a pull request is accepted rather than hoping documentation is updated afterwards or relying on maintainers to do the work. It also allows for documentation to be maintained at different versions more easily.

Building Documentation

If you’re developing new documentation, it’s likely you’ll want or need to test build it before committing to your branch. To achieve this, you can use Sphinx to build the documentation locally as it appears on Read the Docs.

Activate your virtual environment (if you’re using one) and install the documentation requirements found in docs/requirements.txt using pip, e.g. pip install -r docs/requirements.txt.

You can then build the docs by changing to the docs/ directory and running make html or make dirhtml, depending on how the Read the Docs project is configured. Either should work fine for testing. You can now find the output of the build in the /docs/_build/ directory.

Occasionally you may need to fully rebuild the documents by running make clean first, usually when you add or rearrange toctrees.

Documentation Format

CommonMark-plus Markdown is the current preferred format, via MyST-Parser. reStructuredText is supported if required, or you can execute snippets of MyST inside Markdown by using a code block:

reStructuredText here

Markdown is used elsewhere on GitHub, so it provides the most portability of documentation from Issues and Pull Requests as well as providing an easier initial migration path from the GitHub wiki.