Source code for allianceauth.notifications.managers

import logging

from django.conf import settings
from django.core.cache import cache
from django.db import models
from django.contrib.auth.models import User

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class NotificationQuerySet(models.QuerySet):
    """Custom QuerySet for Notification model"""

    def update(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Override update to ensure cache is invalidated on very call."""
        super().update(*args, **kwargs)
        user_pks = set(self.select_related("user").values_list('user__pk', flat=True))
        for user_pk in user_pks:

[docs] class NotificationManager(models.Manager): USER_NOTIFICATION_COUNT_PREFIX = 'USER_NOTIFICATION_COUNT' USER_NOTIFICATION_COUNT_CACHE_DURATION = 86_400 def get_queryset(self): return NotificationQuerySet(self.model, using=self._db)
[docs] def notify_user( self, user: object, title: str, message: str = None, level: str = 'info' ) -> object: """Sends a new notification to user. Returns newly created notification object. """ max_notifications = self._max_notifications_per_user() if self.filter(user=user).count() >= max_notifications: to_be_deleted_qs = self.filter(user=user).order_by( "-timestamp" )[max_notifications - 1:] for notification in to_be_deleted_qs: notification.delete() if not message: message = title if level not in self.model.Level: level = self.model.Level.INFO obj = self.create(user=user, title=title, message=message, level=level)"Created notification %s", obj) return obj
def _max_notifications_per_user(self) -> int: """Maximum number of notifications allowed per user.""" max_notifications = getattr( settings, "NOTIFICATIONS_MAX_PER_USER", self.model.NOTIFICATIONS_MAX_PER_USER_DEFAULT ) try: max_notifications = int(max_notifications) except ValueError: max_notifications = None if max_notifications is None or max_notifications < 0: logger.warning( "NOTIFICATIONS_MAX_PER_USER setting is invalid. Using default." ) max_notifications = self.model.NOTIFICATIONS_MAX_PER_USER_DEFAULT return max_notifications
[docs] def user_unread_count(self, user_pk: int) -> int: """returns the cached unread count for a user given by user PK Will return -1 if user can not be found """ cache_key = self._user_notification_cache_key(user_pk) unread_count = cache.get(key=cache_key) if not unread_count: try: user = User.objects.get(pk=user_pk) except User.DoesNotExist: unread_count = -1 else: logger.debug( 'Updating notification cache for user with pk %s', user_pk ) unread_count = user.notification_set.filter(viewed=False).count() cache.set( key=cache_key, value=unread_count, timeout=self.USER_NOTIFICATION_COUNT_CACHE_DURATION ) else: logger.debug( 'Returning notification count from cache for user with pk %s', user_pk ) return unread_count
@classmethod def invalidate_user_notification_cache(cls, user_pk: int) -> None: cache.delete(key=cls._user_notification_cache_key(user_pk)) logger.debug('Invalided notification cache for user with pk %s', user_pk) @classmethod def _user_notification_cache_key(cls, user_pk: int) -> str: return f'{cls.USER_NOTIFICATION_COUNT_PREFIX}_{user_pk}'