URL Hooks

Base functionality

The URL hooks allow you to dynamically specify URL patterns from your plugin app or service. To achieve this, you should subclass or instantiate the services.hooks.UrlHook class and then register the URL patterns with the hook.

To register a UrlHook class, you would do the following:

def register_urls():
    return UrlHook(app_name.urls, 'app_name', r^'app_name/')

Public views

In addition, is it possible to make views public. Normally, all views are automatically decorated with the main_character_required decorator. That decorator ensures a user needs to be logged in and have a main before he can access that view. This feature protects against a community app sneaking in a public view without the administrator knowing about it.

An app can opt out of this feature by adding a list of views to be excluded when registering the URLs. See the excluded_views parameter for details.


Note that for a public view to work, administrators need to also explicitly allow apps to have public views in their AA installation, by adding the app label to APPS_WITH_PUBLIC_VIEWS setting.


An app called plugin provides a single view:

def index(request):
    return render(request, 'plugin/index.html')

The app’s urls.py would look like so:

from django.urls import path
import plugin.views

urlpatterns = [
    path('index/', plugins.views.index, name='index'),

Subsequently, it would implement the UrlHook in a dedicated auth_hooks.py file like so:

from alliance_auth import hooks
from services.hooks import UrlHook
import plugin.urls

def register_urls():
    return UrlHook(plugin.urls, 'plugin', r^'plugin/')

When this app is included in the project’s settings.INSTALLED_APPS users would access the index view by navigating to https://example.com/plugin/index.


class UrlHook(urls, namespace: str, base_url: str, excluded_views: Iterable[str] | None = None)[source]

A hook for registering the URLs of a Django app.

  • urls (-) – The urls module to include

  • namespace (-) – The URL namespace to apply. This is usually just the app name.

  • base_url (-) – The URL prefix to match against in regex form. Example r'^app_name/'. This prefix will be applied in front of all URL patterns included. It is possible to use the same prefix as existing apps (or no prefix at all), but standard URL resolution ordering applies (hook URLs are the last ones registered).

  • excluded_views (-) – Optional list of views to be excluded from auto-decorating them with the default main_character_required decorator, e.g. to make them public. Views must be specified by their qualified name, e.g. ["example.views.my_public_view"]

__init__(urls, namespace: str, base_url: str, excluded_views: Iterable[str] | None = None)[source]